Berserk of Gluttony is a dark fantasy manga that follows the life of Fate Graphite, a young man cursed with the magical skill of Gluttony. This ability leaves him in a state of perpetual hunger that can never be satiated, leading to a life of ridicule and rejection. Fate’s existence is a bleak one, filled with scorn from those around him, until a chance encounter with a thief reveals the terrifying power hidden within his Gluttony. When Fate kills, he consumes the abilities of his victims, feeding his insatiable hunger and unlocking a newfound strength that transforms him from a powerless outcast into a formidable warrior.
As Fate grapples with his newfound abilities, the manga delves into the moral complexities of his journey. Each life he takes to feed his hunger brings him closer to becoming an unstoppable force, but it also raises questions about the true cost of his power. Berserk of Gluttony explores themes of power, survival, and the darker aspects of human nature, presenting a protagonist who must navigate a world that fears and despises him, all while confronting the monstrous potential within himself. The series offers a gripping tale of one man’s struggle to control his fate, and the sacrifices he must make in a world where strength is the ultimate currency.